Monday 28 November 2011

Space Phantom

First Appearance: Avengers V1 #2 (Nov 1963)
First Avengers Appearance: Avengers V1 #2 (Nov 1963)
Other Appearances of note: Avengers V1 #106-108, Avengers Forever V1 #8

The first Space Phantom was believed to be an advance scout of an alien race planning to invade Earth. Years later in the Destiny Wars (Avengers Forever 12 issue limited series) the Space Phantoms are revealed to be individuals who have become trapped in Immortus’ home dimension of Limbo. These individuals have gradually forgotten their previous lives and morphed into a misshapen appearance. Immortus uses these creatures as his servants and envoys. While the first appearance was in Avengers #2, the earliest reported Earth 616 appearance of a Space Phantom is 1873 when a group of time travelling Avengers discovered a trio of phantoms impersonating The Gunhawks and the Black Rider.

The Space Phantom’s attack in Avengers #2 involved him adopting the appearance of one Avenger after another and setting the team-mates against each other. While the Phantom takes another’s form, that individual is dispatched to Limbo. They return when the Phantom mimics another’s appearance. During the battle the other Avengers make comments to, or about, the Hulk and this results in his leaving he team when the battle is over. 

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