Tuesday 29 November 2011

Mole Man

MOLE MAN [Harvey Rupert Elder]
First Appearance: Fantastic Four V1 #1 (Nov1961)
First Avengers Appearance: Avengers V1 #12 (Jan 1965)

As an American scientist and explorer, Rupert Elder was shunned and ridiculed for his appearance, personality and eccentric theories regarding a hollow Earth. While trying to escape society, Elder discovered his subterranean world and when he also discovered a race of intelligent but mute and obedient inhabitants he crowned himself king of the underworld taking on the name Mole Man. Primarily a recurring opponent of the Fantastic Four, Mole Man has crossed paths with anyone who trespasses, invades or threatens his world. In addition to his Moloid servants Mole Man can control a variety of subterranean creatures often huge in size and referred to as monsters by the surface world. Over time Mole Man has found himself in battle with The Avengers, the Avengers West Coast, and The Mighty Avengers. He also provided his Monster Isle as a home base for Adam Warlock and his Infinity Watch team. 

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