Tuesday 29 November 2011

Radioactive Man

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery [Thor] V1 #93 (Jun 1963)
First Avengers Appearance: Avengers V1 #6 (Jul 1964)

Charged with finding a way to defeat Thor, Chen Lu, a nuclear physicist in the People's Republic of China, exposed himself to increasing levels of radiation until he became Radioactive Man. Lu is later enlisted in Baron Zemo’s original Masters of Evil in a bid to destroy the Avengers. Like The Melter, Lu later joins another version of the group led by Ultron, and later still joins Eggheads version of the group. He is also a member of the short-lived Titanic Three and most recently, The Thunderbolts.

Apart from being a brilliant scientist, as the Radioactive Man he can absorb, control and emit radiation. This may take the form of concentrated blasts or physical strength and force-fields.

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