Sunday 27 November 2011

Latest Avengers Shipment

Just received the latest Avengers from Mark 1:

Avengers #18 – Brian Michael Bendis / David Acuna  (AA)
Aside from the clues that explain some of the participants in this year’s Avengers and New Avengers Annual, so much of this really does not make sense:
Luke’s lack of involvement in the use of the Mansion, Wong’s attitude towards Jarvis (and Jarvis’ response), Cap’s announcement, Stark’s money woes, and the Mission Impossible opening scene on the cover bears little relevance to the contents.
Overall I preferred Arcuna’s artwork to Romita’s with the exception of The Red Hulk who looked like crimson Hank McCoy before he became hirsute.

New Avengers #18 – Brian Michael Bendis / Mike Deodato (AA)
Seems awfully early for Bendis to go back to the Norman Osborn / Dark Avengers well - shades of the Sinister Six. And speaking of Osborn – Are the plans to have Tommy Lee Jones play him in a movie? Quite a resemblance in the latest rendition. I do feel a little gipped that the whole 20 pages is devoted to formation of the new Anti-Avengers.


Secret Avengers #18   - Warren Ellis / David Aja with Raul Allen (AAA)
Certainly the best of the 3 but even then Steve says it best himself “Avengers survive through teamwork and we never seem to have any.” I hope The Shadow Council doesn’t become the latest Aim, Hydra or Secret Empire through over-exposure or as an easy protagonist.

AAAAA - Excellent
AAAA - Very Good
AAA - Good
AA - Fair
A - Poor 

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