Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic

2012 is a special year for Avengers fans and no more so than April and May with the release of Avengers vs. X-Men 0# and 1# in April and the Marvel’s Avengers motion picture in May.

However April 2012 will also be remembered for the release of Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic and the Marvel AR app for tablets. My copy of AvX#1 is still a few days away so I can’t yet comment on the AR app however I have seen the Infinite Comic which features Nova and doubles as a lead in to the Avengers vs. X-Men event.

Created by Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen the “issue” is crafted in landscape mode for the tablet (iPad or Android) and utilises digital technology for the transitions. 

It’s quite unique - it’s not a comic (printed or digital), not an animated cartoon and not a motion comic.

The Infinite Comic is available in a number of ways. It can be purchased from the Marvel or ComiXology digital stores for 99 cents or for free with a redemption code supplied with the print copy of Avengers vs. X-Men #1.

A digital comic version also comes free with the digital version of Avengers vs. X-Men #1 making it a 99 page title which can be purchased for $3.99 or for free with the printed version.

And for those without a tablet or smart-phone the Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic can also be purchased and viewed on the either the Marvel.com website digital store:

(a subscription may be required) or the Comixology equivalent:

although I suspect that this is the digital comic version as opposed to the version intended for the portable devices. 

Many forum contributors have sought a printed version. To date this does not appear to exist and in fairness to Marvel would defeat the intent. I would not be surprised however if a printed version appears in the collected trade version which I’m sure will eventuate.

I was very impressed with Marvel’s initial undertaking into a fully digital experience and I would read more providing the art and story matched this. I would however also hope that prices remain reasonable and that they not be used for critical events that are part of significant storylines primarily presented in print.   

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