Tuesday, 29 November 2011


D’BARI [Alien race]
First Appearance: Avengers #4 (Mar 1964)
First Avengers Appearance: Avengers #4 (Mar 1964)
Other Appearances of note: Uncanny X-Men V1 #135

A humanoid alien race originating from the fourth planet of the D'Bari system, formerly located in the Shi'ar Empire. A D'Bari space craft crashed on Earth thousands of years ago. Amongst the weapons that the surviving pilot had, was a gun that paralysed any opponent. In ancient Greece this activity added to the legend of Medusa. Over the centuries the alien moved around the globe eventually reaching America where he used the gun on the founding Avengers. The newly revived Captain America tracked the alien down and negotiated the release of the team in return for helping him retrieve and repair his craft. Years later most of the D’Bari race died when Dark Phoenix replenished itself by destroying their sun. Approximately five billion D'Bari died when their star went nova.

A small number of D'Bari not in the galaxy at the time survived. 

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